Catoz Tech

Accelerate Your Career with a
Top-Rated Python Certification Course.

Instructed by


Years of Exp: 7 Years
Worked with brand like


Mon to Fri 7:00PM - 8:00PM

Live Session

60 Hours

Full Hands-On

Mini Project

Mon to Fri 7:00PM - 8:00PM

Live Session


60 Hours

Full Hands-On

Mini Project

Get Industry-Ready with
Our Comprehensive Python Certification Course.

Week - 1

Linux & Shell Scripting:

What is os, what is linux, why linux, filesystem, memory and disk partitions, what is command prompt, what is linux commands, components of linux commands, most common linux commands, what is shell scripting, how to write shell script, how to execute shell script

Network, rest calls, server, client, cloud computing:

IP address, port and dns, tcp and udp, rest calls, rest api, server, client, communication between server and clients, lan-wan-internet-intranet-vlan, cloud computing (saas, paas, iaas), ssh, scp, telnet

Week - 2

AWS (ec2, iam, s3):

o What is aws?, why aws ?, networking in aws (vpc, subnet),
o Ec2, type of ec2 instances, autoscaling, ami, launchtemplate, snapshots, volumes, s3 buckets, region in aws

Week - 3


What is containerisation, what is docker, docker image, docker file, docker container, docker volume, docket network, docker commands, docker compose, docker swarn

Week - 4


What is kubernetes, docker vs kubernetees, images-jobs-lables-namespaces-node-services-pod-replication-controller-replicasets-deployments-vo lumes-secrets-networking, kubctl commands, autoscaling, dashboard and monitoring.

Week - 6


What is jenkins, why jenkins, jobs in jenkins, pipeline in jenkins,git with jenkins, maven with jenkins, configuration, management, continous deployment, plugins, testing


What is ansible, uses of ansible,what is yaml, writing code in ansible, some modules in ansible,

Week - 7

Git & Github:

What is git, why git, problems without git, branches and forking in git, git commands, github vs bitbucket, live scenario demo


What is maven, why maven, Issues can be overcome from maven, Repository in maven, create maven project and project structure, maven life cycle, pom.xml, create jar package using maven,dependency issue resolve, Maven Commands

Week - 8


What is terraform, uses of terraform, basic code writing, live demo with implementation in aws.

Mini Project

Real time project related to the course

Who can have this Python Certification Course?

How does this class work?

Attend Live Workshop
Do Exercises as you Watch
Learn all the Deliverables
Finish given Assignment

Grab Your Certificate

Meet your Mentor.


7 Years of Experience in AWS
Sr. Dev ops Engineer with wide range of experince in multiple MNC’s and worked in making Developement Environment stable and Production environment stable.
Worked with brand like

Unlock Your Full Potential: Discover What You'll Gain from Our Python Certification Course.

Python Course

Rs. 19,999
   Only Rs.9,999  

What you get

Before you ask!

Yes! You will be certified for this workshop on submission of your assignment.

Official and verified

Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

Easily Shareable

Add the certificate to your CV or your Resume or post it directly on LInkedin. You can even post it on instagram and twitter.

Career Shifting

Use your certificate to make life changing shift into UX or stay ahead in your UX career. Salaries are among the highest in the world.

Did you know?

Growth Opportunities.

Learning Python can also be a stepping stone to further education, as it is a popular language used in data science and machine learning courses. Individuals with Python skills can pursue advanced degrees in these fields, leading to further growth opportunities.

₹5L to 6.5L

Fresher Python developers in India can expect to earn competitive salaries ranging from ₹5,00,000 to ₹6,50,000 per year, with the potential for higher salaries based on their skills and experience. Companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and IBM are among the top employers of Python developers, offering competitive salaries and benefits.

$61-80 Per Hour

Python is the top skill listed by data scientists on LinkedIn. With the increasing demand for Python developers, many organizations seek freelance developers to work on their projects. Python developers have many opportunities to work on freelance projects and earn a good income. Python developer hourly rates average $61-80 per hour, depending on the work nature and type.

Frequently asked questions

Yes! You will be certified for this workshop on submission of your assignment.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Take action and get Future ready

Rs. 19,999
   Only Rs.9,999  

Live Projects Training Program

Live Projects Training Program

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