Catoz Tech

Get Hands-On React JS Training
in Hyderabad with Real-Life Project.

Instructed by

Deepakkumar Shivaji Shinde

Years of Exp: 10+ Years
Worked with brand like


Mon to Fri 7:00PM - 8:00PM

Live Session

35 to 45 hrs

Full Hands-On

Practical Project


Mon to Fri 7:00PM - 8:00PM

Live Session

35 to 40 Hours

Full Hands-On

Practical Project


Learn in this React JS and MERN Classes

Day - 1

Why Big Data & Hadoop :

What is Big data? Role of Data Engineer & Data Analyst. Big Data Hierarchy. Hadoop Storage Architecture, Hadoop Processing Architecture, Map Reduce Architecture, Word Count Program based explanation of mapreduce.

Day - 2

Scala Theory & Hands on :

Scala Variables, data types, conditional statements loops, functions, higher order functions, partial functions, currying in scala, Closures, traits, Objects, classes, Companion Objects.

Day - 3

Scala Spark Hands on:

IntelliJ Setup Scala Spark. Spark RDD, Spark Data frames, Spark SQL. Spark Application lifecycle ( jobs, stages & tasks ). Spark-submit hands on. How to handle input arguments in Spark. Real time Performance tuning techniques in Spark.

who can join this course:

Students Having Basic Knowledge Of Web Development Technology like HTML CSS JavaScript etc

How does this class work?

Attend Live Workshop
Do Exercises as you Watch
Learn all the Deliverables
Finish given Assignment

Grab Your Certificate

How is this program so different?

We are going to have practical project development with each topic in details with use case's

Meet your Mentor.

Deepakkumar Shivaji Shinde

10+ Years of Experience

Having JavaScript development and Training experience for over 10+years, delivered training on JavaScript, Node Js,Typescript, React Js, Redux, MongoDB, etc

Worked with brand like

What you will get in this ReactJS Training at CATOZ?

React Front End and MERN Full Stack​

Rs. 19,999
   Only Rs.9,999  

What you get

Our Students working in companies like

Before you ask!

Yes! You will be certified for this workshop on submission of your assignment.

Official and verified

Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

Easily Shareable

Add the certificate to your CV or your Resume or post it directly on LInkedin. You can even post it on instagram and twitter.

Career Shifting

Use your certificate to make life changing shift into UX or stay ahead in your UX career. Salaries are among the highest in the world.

Did you know?


This skill can lead to higher-paying jobs if you’re proficient in ReactJS. According to Indeed, the average salary for a fresher ReactJS developer in India is around 6.8 lakhs per year

TOP 10

According to LinkedIn, ReactJS is among the top 10 most in-demand skills in the job market, with job postings for ReactJS developers increasing steadily over the past several years.

Most Demanded

ReactJS is one of the most in-demand front-end development skills in India, with many companies seeking developers who are proficient in this skill. After Completing this course you will be eligible for Front-end Developer, Full-stack

Frequently asked questions

Yes! You will be certified for this workshop on submission of your assignment.
  • No prior experience is required, but some familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript would be helpful.
  • Depending on the specific workshop, you’ll learn an overview aspects of React Js, such as components, state management, performance optimization, or server-side rendering.
  • Yes, there should be time for attendees to ask questions and receive guidance from the instructor.
  • While a 2-hour workshop won’t make you a React expert, it can still provide a solid introduction to the library and its key concepts.

Take action and get Future ready

Rs. 19,999
   Only Rs.9,999  

Live Projects Training Program

Live Projects Training Program

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